United Benefice of
Mears Ashby, Hardwick,
and Sywell with Overstone

Our Vicar
Revd Katrina Hutchins

01604 812907

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Prayers and Reflections

Gracious Father,
revive your Church in our day,
and make her holy, strong and faithful,
for your glory's sake
in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Collect for Trinity 9

Today, we are contemplating the depth and breadth of Jesus' love.  In part, we are inspired by a prayer for the Ephesians; a prayer which is designed to strengthen and encourage us in our faith and as Christ's Church.  And, we are also inspired by the feeding of the 5,000 on a hillside overlooking the Sea of Galilee.

Enjoy contemplating your own experience of our Lord's love.

Every blessing,

Revd Katrina (Vicar)

Click HERE for this week's Prayers and Reflections: Trinity 9.

Click HERE for my contact details.

Our next edition will be out in time for August 4th - Trinity 10.

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